Jack Moore

Email: jack(at)jmoore53.com
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Script to Update Wireguard Configuration Locally Remotely

28 Nov 2022 » code, infrastructure, docker

DDNS Script Setup

Keeping WireGuard configurations updated can be a pain.. A solution I used was a ddns script to update dns for my cloud server and my homelab.

I didn’t want to expose my home IP to the public so I setup ddns and configured wireguard to use dns in the configuration. This was the better solution over updating wireguard configurations everytime an IP changed.

This is a snippet of the code to read the file and update the correct records:

def read_domain_file():
    domains = []
    with open("/opt/opnsense-api/domains.txt", "r") as domainsFile:
        for line in domainsFile.readlines():
            line = line.replace("\n", "")

    return domains

def domains_parsed(domain):
    subdomain = domain.split(".")[:-3]
    subdomain = ".".join(subdomain)
    tld = domain.split(".")[-3:]
    tld = ".".join(tld)[:-1]
    return [subdomain, tld]

def read_environment():
    with open("/opt/opnsense-api/.env", "r") as envFile:
        for line in envFile.readlines():
            line = line.replace("\n", "")
            if line != "":
                key,val = line.split("=")
                os.environ[key] = val

def main():
    opnsense = opnsense_pull_wan_ip(ipv="ipv4")
    opnsense6 = opnsense_pull_wan_ip(ipv="ipv6")
    for element in read_domain_file():
        subdomain,tld = domains_parsed(element)
        #print(subdomain, " + ", tld)
        r53atom = route53_list_resource_record_set(tld, subdomain, "A")
        if len(r53atom) > 0:
            if r53atom[0]['value'] != opnsense:
                print("Updating Record")
                route53_update_record(domain=tld, record=subdomain, update_ip=opnsense, record_type="A")
                print("No Updates needed.")
            print("The A Record doesn't exist, Creating Record:")
            route53_update_record(domain=tld, record=subdomain, update_ip=opnsense, record_type="A")
        r53atom6 = route53_list_resource_record_set(tld, subdomain, "AAAA")
        if len(r53atom6) > 0:
            if r53atom6[0]['value'] != opnsense6:
                print("Updating AAAA Record")
                route53_update_record(domain=tld, record=subdomain, update_ip=opnsense6, record_type="AAAA")
                print("No Updates needed.")
            print("The AAAA Record doesn't exist, Creating Record:")
            route53_update_record(domain=tld, record=subdomain, update_ip=opnsense6, record_type="AAAA")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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