Jack Moore

Email: jack(at)jmoore53.com
Project Updates

Knative Eventing - Custom Sources!

25 Feb 2022 » kubernetes, golang, programming, software

APIServerSourceObject Linking back to helloworld-go Sink

kubectl logs --namespace=knative-api-source -l app=helloworld-go --tail=200

Installing Triggermeshes and HTTPPoller Example

wget https://github.com/triggermesh/triggermesh/releases/latest/download/triggermesh-crds.yaml
kubectl apply -f triggermesh-crds.yaml

wget https://github.com/triggermesh/triggermesh/releases/latest/download/triggermesh.yaml
kubectl apply -f triggermesh.yaml

# Confirm it's running
kubectl get pods -n triggermesh
# Poller Sample

# AWS S3 Source Sample
© Jack Moore - This site was last built Fri 30 Aug 2024 12:31:24 PM EDT