Code with the Flow
Writing rails applications is often broken up between the frontend, routes, backends, and the database. It is a classic MVC framework.
The way I often write is writing the frontend first starting with the react components in the app/webpack
Any fetch request in the frontend is then directed to the rails applications where the rails application looks at the routes.
In the routes file config/routes.rb
I configure the fetched route to go to a specific controller and from the controller I then make calls to the database.
It looks something like the following:
1) app/webpack/console.jsx
-> makes a fetch request to
2) config/routes.rb
takes the request -> directs it to a view or controller depending on the controller data app/controllers/data
3) data#index
method in the controller with a code block calling to the ORM
4) ModelName < ApplicationRecord
Start from the frontend and work your way through the application. When one piece is complete, move to the next frontend component.