Installing Fission
# Create the fission namespace
# Installing Fission for K8s
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=fission
kubectl create -k ""
export FISSION_NAMESPACE="fission"
kubectl create namespace $FISSION_NAMESPACE
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=$FISSION_NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f
# Installing Fission CLI
curl -Lo fission \
&& chmod +x fission && sudo mv fission /usr/local/bin/
Creating an example Python Function
def main():
return callAnotherFunction("test")
def callAnotherFunction(variableName):
return "Hello {variableName}\n".format(variableName=variableName)
# Add the stock Python env to your Fission deployment
fission env create --name python --image fission/python-env
# A Python function that prints "hello world"
curl -LO
# Upload your function code to fission
fission function create --name hello-py --env python --code
# Test your function. This takes about 100msec the first time.
fission function test --name hello-py
# Returns: Hello, world!
# Create route for it
fission route create --name helopy --url /hepy --function hello-py
// Due to go plugin mechanism,
// the package of function handler must be main package
package main
import (
func Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// recommend
v1 := r.Header.Get("HEADER_KEY_1")
// need to convert string cases manually
key := textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey("HEADER_KEY_2")
// v2 type is []string
v2, _ := r.Header[key]
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("v1: %s, v2: %v", v1, v2)))
# Create Environment
fission environment create --name go --image fission/go-env-1.16 --builder fission/go-builder-1.16
# Create Function
fission fn create --name helloworld --env go --src hw.go --entrypoint Handler
# Create Package Status
fission pkg info --name helloworld-8b091f12-d275-42b7-aea5-1e75cd831a6c
# Create Trigger
fission httptrigger create --method GET --url "/hego" --function helloworld
Issues with Go:
For archive of package with size larger than 256 KB, the package is uploaded to storage service. Double check fission-storage-pvc is properly setup if pkg BUILD_STATUS is not succeeded.